All the answers to all the Whys???

I bet you are asking yourself why.  Why do I need this?  Why is this the first product Hoopla as launched? Why should I buy the hand pump?  Why should we use balloon clips?  


Hoopla’s mission is to create products that make planning your party just as fun as attending.  Nothing that takes over 30 minutes to assemble.  We make Pinterest pretty, fail proof products. 


Air Squares is the first product to launch because we wanted to start with something that could be used at any event. From a baby shower to a 50th birthday party and everything in-between.  One product—endless possibilities.


Did you know there is a helium shortage?  Some party stores don’t even have helium in stock.  IF you can get it the price to blow up latex balloon can be .50-$1!  Air Squares DO NOT use helium.   


We hate to brag but our hand pump is the best on the market.  Dual pumping action means it fills the balloon twice as fast!  My kids LOVED using it so they pump and I clip.  In no time the tower is done and ready for your party. 


After a party is done there are always bags and bags of waste.  Latex Balloon clips are just one way we are trying to reduce our waste.  See our Saving the Planet one Balloon at a time blog for more details.  Again the kids LOVE unclipping the balloons to deflate them all!


Party on-
